Eric Carle Draw Me a Star Book Retail

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I rate this one today with regards to a personal connection. I
This is a strange book in the collection of Eric Carle. It's one with some controversy, as it makes lists of "contested books for schools," and even some as a "banned book." It deals with some difficult concepts, ones that are shied away from in dealings in public schools. There are biblical themes, and a picture that has a naked man and woman on it. At the heart of this, is one that includes a message of creativity and creating art.I rate this one today with regards to a personal connection. I recently gifted this one as sort of a "gag gift" to my friend, and former student teacher, as a means to a laugh in celebrating a new job at a district he has worked hard to get in with. As a student teacher, this book was on an early shelf, and one of the first days he was taking over teaching responsibilities, a boy brought it up to him very concerned about the said picture. It became a recurring theme of discussion and contention during his time as the lead in the room - all in good fun between us. He got a good laugh at seeing the copy as a gift his way. This isn't one I'd recommend keeping on the shelves of every public classroom!
Yup, there is a nude couple in this book. Nope, it is not graphic. Yup, my son saw it. Nope, it didn't faze him in the slightest.
This was a visually stunning book. The text was easy enough for my five-year-old son to read most of it, and, yet, as he read it a simply lovely story unfolded.Yup, there is a nude couple in this book. Nope, it is not graphic. Yup, my son saw it. Nope, it didn't faze him in the slightest.

For more book reviews, visit my blog, Build Enough Bookshelves.
This is not much of a story but is more than some of the other books. For those who complain about suddenly discovering naked people during bedtime reading - perhaps in future they should glance through the books before reading them with their impressionable young children! Also the young children who are starting to ask about the differences between boys and girls and who are discovering their own bodies and how they work.
As a storybook, it's fun, it's entertaining. My daughter didn't even blink at the naked people - they're not wearing clothes - they need to ask the artist for clothes! And lo they did! She just wants to go and paint a star following the instructions provided!
Draw me a star by Eric Carl is fascinating. Mr. Carl appears to introduce young readers to his faith in a creative way. The artist in the book draws what looks like the Star of David along with other biblical pictures. This book is listed on the children's banned list due to pictures of a naked man and woman. Religion is topic which is always debated. Controversy continues to surround its accuracy. The book does not subject lewd or immoral behavior. It only tells his int
Text-to-World ConnectionDraw me a star by Eric Carl is fascinating. Mr. Carl appears to introduce young readers to his faith in a creative way. The artist in the book draws what looks like the Star of David along with other biblical pictures. This book is listed on the children's banned list due to pictures of a naked man and woman. Religion is topic which is always debated. Controversy continues to surround its accuracy. The book does not subject lewd or immoral behavior. It only tells his interpretation of the beginning.

Reading some of the reviews, I could see how some would pick up a creation story overtone, but that would be pronounced for someone with a Christian/Jewish background. I wouldn't assume this was international though.
Simple and beautiful. Not too much of a story per se for children, but my son has asked for it five times within a day of borrowing from the library.
Reading some of the reviews, I could see how some would pick up a creation story overtone, but that would be pronounced for someone with a Christian/Jewish background. I wouldn't assume this was international though.

V @ 6 months old.

This book is often challenged for two reasons. The first reason is that it contains what some may feel to be a biblical based creation story. "Draw me a star. And the artist drew a star. It was a good star," Carle writes. The Biblical account of creation has it somewhat the same way, "And God said, 'Let there be light' and there was light… and He called the light 'good.'" When the artist cre
Great book, 5/5 stars… But this book finds itself on lists of challenged and banned books far too often.This book is often challenged for two reasons. The first reason is that it contains what some may feel to be a biblical based creation story. "Draw me a star. And the artist drew a star. It was a good star," Carle writes. The Biblical account of creation has it somewhat the same way, "And God said, 'Let there be light' and there was light… and He called the light 'good.'" When the artist creates a new thing, that thing asks for something else to be created. In this political climate, this book becomes a hot button with the creationist undertow. But in reality, I highly doubt a young child would even pick up on it. It's a fantastic story with great illustrations, and even a how to step by step draw a star. "Down, over, left, and right, draw a star oh so bright."
However, it is the illustrations, or rather one illustration that causes even more uproar.
"Draw me a tree said the sun. And the artist drew a tree. It was a lovely tree. Draw me a woman and a man. And the artist drew a handsome couple."
On this page in the book lies those lines. A big tree is on the left side, while the text and two people are on the right. A woman and a man. The couple is done in the nude. You can clearly see the woman's breasts and the man's penis. As is Eric's style, the illustrations are done as paint and tissue paper. The body parts do not look like they do in real life, but they do look realistic enough to label them as man and woman, which is another hot button topic in this day and age.
This is a book that I may or may not use in the classroom. It depends on the politics of a district and the area surrounding. Also, probably won't use until I get the advice of fellow teachers. But this is a book I would have no problem reading to my kids someday.
According to this book is on the frequently challenged book list mainly because it shows some topics that may be controversial. The main topic this book has is nudity. In the text Children's Literature Briefly 7th ed
Draw Me a Sta by Eric Carle follows the work of an artist. This artist first draws a star, then the star request another object. By the time the artist knows it the last object is a star again. The sun, people and moon are all things featured in this bright and colorful book.According to this book is on the frequently challenged book list mainly because it shows some topics that may be controversial. The main topic this book has is nudity. In the text Children's Literature Briefly 7th edition, it states that some books are challenged because people especially parents fear that their child is not ready for the topic. However, it also states that children should experience controversial topics in literature to get a better understanding of the world around them. I personally don't think this book shows enough skin to be considered nudity- there is so much beautiful artwork but I can see why some may feel the opposite.
I'd never heard of this particular Eric Carle, and having read it, I wish I were still ignorant of its existence. This tedious combination of bible creation story and reflection on creativity makes me curious about only one thing: Is this where Darren Aronofsky got the idea for his mother! movie?
Banned Book Week 2017. This year I'm reading a few picture books that have been challenged for their content, this one due to its depiction of nude Adam and Eve stand-ins.I'd never heard of this particular Eric Carle, and having read it, I wish I were still ignorant of its existence. This tedious combination of bible creation story and reflection on creativity makes me curious about only one thing: Is this where Darren Aronofsky got the idea for his mother! movie?
Well told, and again beautifully illustrated.
Eric Carle #31/80

I personally think he should have put a little clothes on the naked people. I wouldn't put this on the banned or challenged list, though.
"Reason for Ban/Challenge: Draw Me a Star has been banned and challenged primarily due to one of the illustrations, which shows a naked man and woman."I personally think he should have put a little clothes on the naked people. I wouldn't put this on the banned or challenged list, though.

I think the school was right to deny the parent's request to alter a work of art. However, the librarian seeking guidance from colleagues on how to effectively handle the situation was a bit unnerving for me. The school librarian wanted to explain that she believed the author/illustrator was trying to convey the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden since there was a tree opposite the page of the nude humans.
I felt this was a mistake because there is mention in the book that the story is intended to have this message. A Booklist review of the book from 1992 expresses that "there are biblical undertones," but even in the review I don't think this interpretation is appropriate.
I wish I could know whether Carle intended such an undertone, but for now I guess I'll just try to remain neutral.
This short story follows an artist as he is guided in his artistic journey by his very own art. Each piece of art he draws then asks him to draw their own image of a masterpiece. As the artist follows his art, he grows older and uses more techniques and complexity. Throughout his life journey, the artist never forgets the first thing he drew – a star.
The pages of this book are very telling of the message of the story. Each page is covered in the next drawing and each drawin Summary:
This short story follows an artist as he is guided in his artistic journey by his very own art. Each piece of art he draws then asks him to draw their own image of a masterpiece. As the artist follows his art, he grows older and uses more techniques and complexity. Throughout his life journey, the artist never forgets the first thing he drew – a star.
The pages of this book are very telling of the message of the story. Each page is covered in the next drawing and each drawing is related to the previous drawing. This communication between each piece of art portrays the dynamic relationship between an artist and their art. Each piece grows upon the last just as the artist develops himself without forgetting his past.
Eric Carle, the author and illustrator is known for his creative illustrations and three dimensional designs. This book is a great introduction piece for art as a subject and form of self-expression. The connection between who the artist is as a person and the art he makes himself is embodied in each page. The fact that the artist brings his art to life and follows its precise direction, can be a representation of the artistic process. ...more

The illustrations are colorful and bright collages of painted tissue paper that look like they are (for lack of a better word) crudely put together. It is a shame that the main reason this book isn't read as much as the author's othe
This lovely picture book reminds me that so much beauty can come from simple things – if I only bother to look. From a star to a sun to a tree to people to home and family and gardens and then to the moon and back to a star, life moves ever forward in a full circle.The illustrations are colorful and bright collages of painted tissue paper that look like they are (for lack of a better word) crudely put together. It is a shame that the main reason this book isn't read as much as the author's other books are is because of the nude man and woman. In the Library's opinion there's nothing wrong with the illustration; there's no detail, just basic forms and shapes. However, the female figure's two different color circles/breasts, and the triangle of pubic hair bother me a bit. If the artist had given the male figure 2 smaller circles and a triangle, too, it wouldn't bug me at all. And really, it's a lot less explicit than classical paintings by Renaissance master artists. By focusing on that one illustration, the reader can lose focus on the rest of the book and the simple beauty of the words and the art.
The story line of this book is an easy one to pick up on with the repeated phrases "Draw me a…" and "the artist drew a …" Also the pictures are wonderful, bright and show texture. I may use this book in a classroom to show Eric Carle's artistic style but not read the story.

Overall, liked the premise but found it to be a bit bossy in tone.

I think this could have made the banned book list because the artist does not have control over what he is drawing, and then all of the sudden flies away with the initial star he drew. It makes sense to me why it is censored because this book could be taken as someone being forcefully told what to do. I think rather this book does not have a main lesson rather than being censored. I would not use this book in my classroom because there is no reason to. When I pick a book I want to choose a book that has a lesson for my students to learn. I do not think this book is necessary for my students to read. This book only provided a man drawing a start and continuing to be told what to draw. In the end, he did not decide to be his own person and draw whatever he wanted, rather he just flew away with the start.
What is interesting about the book is the use of colors in each picture. If you look closely, the man drawing the star starts off by being a boy, and then at the end is an older man. I would also say the drawings get more intricate the older the man gets. This is an interesting point in the book but is only known if you take a closer look. I would still not use this book in my classroom because I couldn't answer the question to my students as to why the drawings got more intricate and detailed besides saying because the man is now older. I want to pick books in my classroom that are enriching where the details in the drawings also enhance the overall lesson and reason I chose the book.
My favorite thing about this book is that it begins with the artist drawing a star, and ends with him drawing a star. All the steps are shown discretely, and the eight-pointed star at the end has an accompanying poem that breaks the task into beats ("1. Down, / 2. over, / 3. left, / 4. and right, / 5. draw / 6. a star / 7. oh so / 8. bright."). Learning to draw a star is a useful skill, and this is the perfect book to help foster an interest in mastering it.
I review children's books from the perspective of a parent of two kids with autism. This review is part of a list of 20 recommended picture books with space themes for autistic kids, which can be found on my blog:
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